Saturday, July 12, 2008

Green Idea of the Day 8 - Energy Efficient bulbs

Compact fluorescents lamps(CFL's) emit the same light as classic incandescents but use 75% or 80% less electricity. They not only help reduce your electricity bill, but also last much longer!

The US department of energy( says that CFL's last upto 10 times longer than classic incandescents and use just one fourth of the energy!

Priced at less than $3, here is a product with incredible energy saving potential! It seems costly compared to the $0.50 incandescent bulb, but given its energy savings and long life, the CFL saves money in the long run!

A CFL may not give the best results with all fixtures and in all situations(bedroom/dining room/study table etc). Its important to choose the right bulb and the fixture to ensure the performance and life of a CFL. and has some tips to select energy efficient bulbs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I agree that the use of CFL’s can save an enormous amount of energy,they do have drawbacks. The following YouTube link just about says it all and gives plenty of food for thought. I believe old fashion American ingenuity can and will solve this problem. In the mean time I will continue to use CFL’s but with a fair amount of caution. Not for use by children under three, think about that.